Amen Senator Byrd, Amen
September 11, 1996
Richard Brian McCarty

I never thought I would be nodding in agreement with Senator Robert Byrd of
West Virginia. Senator Byrd has championed nearly every liberal cause to come through the
United States Senate. But, even Senator Byrd drew the line with gay marriages. In his
support of the Defense of Marriage Act, Byrd stated that "polical correctness has
reached the point of absurdity," as he used stories from the Bible, the Roman Empire,
and the Grecian city-states to underscore the tradition of heterosexual marriage. Senators
Kennedy and Kerry had to cringe.
Again, I do find it odd that Senator Byrd and I are in agreement. But,
political correctness has reached the point of absurdity. After the text book classical
argument by Byrd was shown, the media quickly showed various gay couples and leaders.
Those leaders saw the act as an attack on them. They moaned and groaned that life without
marriage is unfair for gays. They want the culture to accept them and to embrace them.
Gays already have the availability to enter into joint checking accounts,
various legal agreements, and life insurance contracts that allow them to share life. That
is not a valid argument for legal gay marriages. Years of law school showed me how grown
people adopt one another and the like.
Just like any other liberal group, the homosexual activists use such arguments
to try to paint themselves as normal to the American public, and oppressed, when the truth
is they are better represented financially than any other so called oppressed group,
including, the middle class white heterosexual male. Just look at the Clinton campaign
coffers if you doubt that.
Gay money has made gay issues prominent. Gays are only about four percent of
the population. And, that is a generous number. But, they have given millions to Bill
Clinton and the Democratic party. Thus, at a time when American families are struggling to
make ends meet and deal with taxes, the American Congress and President have to deal with
legal issues raised by court cases and political activity brought about by Gay money.
Reality usually is a cruel judge of us all. It is wrong to persecute someone
because they choose to be Gay. However, it is equally wrong, and rather arrogant, for Gays
to want from the people and the politicians a change in the culture to suit the Gay life
choice. The institutions of government and of religion are not to be changed to soothe
personal feelings of a relative handfull of individuals. For, if institutions are reduced
to that, then a nation has no institutions, and it will crumble.
If one chooses not to bathe, or not to wear clothing, or not to speak to anyone
they meet, etc, then they can not expect to live a "normal" life. They should
not be rounded up and shot, but reality says they can expect to pay a cost for their
choices. The same is true of homosexuals. They choose a different path from the rest of
society, and they must accept that reality dictates there is a cost of that choice.
So, Senator Byrd, congratulations on having the courage to stand up for what
was right today. Tolerance stops when institutions that are the foundations of
civilization are attacked. It is refreshing to see that even an old time pork barrel
liberal can see that, too.

Richard Brian McCarty has worked on several political campaigns of conservatives. He
holds a Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina and a BS degree from Lander
University. An experienced writer, McCarty's columns are written from a distinctly
Southern point of view. He is sometimes Southern, sometimes conservative, sometimes
humorous, and sometimes all three.

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Amen Senator Byrd, Amen
September 11, 1996
Richard Brian McCarty

I never thought I would be nodding in agreement with Senator Robert Byrd of
West Virginia. Senator Byrd has championed nearly every liberal cause to come through the
United States Senate. But, even Senator Byrd drew the line with gay marriages. In his
support of the Defense of Marriage Act, Byrd stated that "polical correctness has
reached the point of absurdity," as he used stories from the Bible, the Roman Empire,
and the Grecian city-states to underscore the tradition of heterosexual marriage. Senators
Kennedy and Kerry had to cringe.
Again, I do find it odd that Senator Byrd and I are in agreement. But,
political correctness has reached the point of absurdity. After the text book classical
argument by Byrd was shown, the media quickly showed various gay couples and leaders.
Those leaders saw the act as an attack on them. They moaned and groaned that life without
marriage is unfair for gays. They want the culture to accept them and to embrace them.
Gays already have the availability to enter into joint checking accounts,
various legal agreements, and life insurance contracts that allow them to share life. That
is not a valid argument for legal gay marriages. Years of law school showed me how grown
people adopt one another and the like.
Just like any other liberal group, the homosexual activists use such arguments
to try to paint themselves as normal to the American public, and oppressed, when the truth
is they are better represented financially than any other so called oppressed group,
including, the middle class white heterosexual male. Just look at the Clinton campaign
coffers if you doubt that.
Gay money has made gay issues prominent. Gays are only about four percent of
the population. And, that is a generous number. But, they have given millions to Bill
Clinton and the Democratic party. Thus, at a time when American families are struggling to
make ends meet and deal with taxes, the American Congress and President have to deal with
legal issues raised by court cases and political activity brought about by Gay money.
Reality usually is a cruel judge of us all. It is wrong to persecute someone
because they choose to be Gay. However, it is equally wrong, and rather arrogant, for Gays
to want from the people and the politicians a change in the culture to suit the Gay life
choice. The institutions of government and of religion are not to be changed to soothe
personal feelings of a relative handfull of individuals. For, if institutions are reduced
to that, then a nation has no institutions, and it will crumble.
If one chooses not to bathe, or not to wear clothing, or not to speak to anyone
they meet, etc, then they can not expect to live a "normal" life. They should
not be rounded up and shot, but reality says they can expect to pay a cost for their
choices. The same is true of homosexuals. They choose a different path from the rest of
society, and they must accept that reality dictates there is a cost of that choice.
So, Senator Byrd, congratulations on having the courage to stand up for what
was right today. Tolerance stops when institutions that are the foundations of
civilization are attacked. It is refreshing to see that even an old time pork barrel
liberal can see that, too.

Richard Brian McCarty has worked on several political campaigns of conservatives. He
holds a Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina and a BS degree from Lander
University. An experienced writer, McCarty's columns are written from a distinctly
Southern point of view. He is sometimes Southern, sometimes conservative, sometimes
humorous, and sometimes all three.

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