Don't Kiss Her, Junior,
that Girl Might Be with the ACLU
September 30, 1996
Richard Brian McCarty

Recently a shocking story came to me from Lexington, NC. It was not about one
of the hurricanes that had passed through the Carolinas, or about some other tragic event.
But, it was about a kiss, and what it can lead too.
It seems that a six year old boy has been charged with sexual harassment by his
Lexington, NC, elementary school for pecking a classmate on the cheek. Should the child be
corrected if it was inappropriate? Of course. Should the little boy be formally charged by
the school district with sexual harassment? No, unless you are one of the poltically
correct morons who are in charge of that school district.
One of the activists who supported the school district stated on CNN that young
men needed to be taught at an early age how to act. What? Why don't we just find a way to
remove their Y chromosome? And, why don't we tell little girls how they should act? But,
more importantly, why even make a big fuss over a six year old boy's innocent peck. Should
we now consider Norman Rockwell's famous picture of a boy pecking a girl on the cheek as
What is ironic is the same people who would rally to punish the six year old in
North Carolina would be more than happy to point out that a grown man who abuses his wife
was probably abused as a child and deserves some amount of sympathy. Or, they would be
open to giving furloughs to convicted rapists. The Liberal point of view just offers utter
nonsense. In their world, the six year old who makes the peck needs to be trained, and
those like Willie Horton, who killed and raped on furlough, need to be understood and not
Reality demands a different approach. The six year old needs to been seen for
what he is--an innocent child. The adult abuser or rapist needs to be put away. But, that
is not to come from the Liberal crowd.
And, there are two reasons for that. First, in their minds, they know best how
to raise children. Parents are just ignorant folk who can not raise their children without
the Liberal's help. Training the children at an early age to think like Liberals is the
only way Liberals see them as having a chance to become solid adults. They know best.
Everyone else just does not understand.
And, that is because of the second reason. It comes from something my
grandfather warned me against--becoming too educated for my intelligence. Educators and
sociologists spend most of their free time striving for more degrees. Those degrees lead
them to become full of themselves, among other things. It leaves them blind to how the
real world works. They see everything through the eyes of the text book; thus you get a
six year old getting the treatment that some adults, who deserve it more, do not get. They
can control the six year old. They can make their sacred models and theories work.
What I suggest for the school district and its supporters to do is to take a
long hard look at reality. I urge them to compare the peck on the cheek to real problems
in the world. And then, hopefully, they will see that their educations will be better used
elsewhere. Or, perhaps, as my grandfather puts it, they are educated beyond their
intelligence and just ain't worth nothing with their degrees.

Richard Brian McCarty has worked on several political campaigns of conservatives. He
holds a Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina and a BS degree from Lander
University. An experienced writer, McCarty's columns are written from a distinctly
Southern point of view. He is sometimes Southern, sometimes conservative, sometimes
humorous, and sometimes all three.

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Don't Kiss Her, Junior,
that Girl Might Be with the ACLU
September 30, 1996
Richard Brian McCarty

Recently a shocking story came to me from Lexington, NC. It was not about one
of the hurricanes that had passed through the Carolinas, or about some other tragic event.
But, it was about a kiss, and what it can lead too.
It seems that a six year old boy has been charged with sexual harassment by his
Lexington, NC, elementary school for pecking a classmate on the cheek. Should the child be
corrected if it was inappropriate? Of course. Should the little boy be formally charged by
the school district with sexual harassment? No, unless you are one of the poltically
correct morons who are in charge of that school district.
One of the activists who supported the school district stated on CNN that young
men needed to be taught at an early age how to act. What? Why don't we just find a way to
remove their Y chromosome? And, why don't we tell little girls how they should act? But,
more importantly, why even make a big fuss over a six year old boy's innocent peck. Should
we now consider Norman Rockwell's famous picture of a boy pecking a girl on the cheek as
What is ironic is the same people who would rally to punish the six year old in
North Carolina would be more than happy to point out that a grown man who abuses his wife
was probably abused as a child and deserves some amount of sympathy. Or, they would be
open to giving furloughs to convicted rapists. The Liberal point of view just offers utter
nonsense. In their world, the six year old who makes the peck needs to be trained, and
those like Willie Horton, who killed and raped on furlough, need to be understood and not
Reality demands a different approach. The six year old needs to been seen for
what he is--an innocent child. The adult abuser or rapist needs to be put away. But, that
is not to come from the Liberal crowd.
And, there are two reasons for that. First, in their minds, they know best how
to raise children. Parents are just ignorant folk who can not raise their children without
the Liberal's help. Training the children at an early age to think like Liberals is the
only way Liberals see them as having a chance to become solid adults. They know best.
Everyone else just does not understand.
And, that is because of the second reason. It comes from something my
grandfather warned me against--becoming too educated for my intelligence. Educators and
sociologists spend most of their free time striving for more degrees. Those degrees lead
them to become full of themselves, among other things. It leaves them blind to how the
real world works. They see everything through the eyes of the text book; thus you get a
six year old getting the treatment that some adults, who deserve it more, do not get. They
can control the six year old. They can make their sacred models and theories work.
What I suggest for the school district and its supporters to do is to take a
long hard look at reality. I urge them to compare the peck on the cheek to real problems
in the world. And then, hopefully, they will see that their educations will be better used
elsewhere. Or, perhaps, as my grandfather puts it, they are educated beyond their
intelligence and just ain't worth nothing with their degrees.

Richard Brian McCarty has worked on several political campaigns of conservatives. He
holds a Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina and a BS degree from Lander
University. An experienced writer, McCarty's columns are written from a distinctly
Southern point of view. He is sometimes Southern, sometimes conservative, sometimes
humorous, and sometimes all three.

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